Friday, May 25, 2007

This is my little angel!!!

A Biblical Doctrine of Man

It has been taught for some time that a human being has 2 or three parts. Often this misunderstanding arises from a mistaken view of what it means to be the image of God. The thought is that since God is 3 in one, so humanity must also reflect that "image". Of course, that does a HUGE injustice to what the word "tselem" (image) means, as I have pointed out here before. Being God's image means to represent him in the manner of a viceroy, or govenor.
It is in no sense that we are a copy, or reflection or virtually any of the modern english understanding of the word. In fact, the english dictionary wrongly refers to Gen 1:26 in its definition of "image". I would quote this though:
—Synonyms 1, 12. Image, icon, idol refer to material representations of persons or things. An image is a representation as in a statue or effigy, and is sometimes regarded as an object of worship: to set up an image of Apollo; an image of a saint. An icon, in the Greek or Eastern Orthodox Church, is a representation of Christ, an angel, or a saint, in painting, relief, mosaic, or the like: At least two icons are found in each church. An idol is an image, statue, or the like representing a deity and worshiped as such: a wooden idol; The heathen worship idols. It may be used figuratively: to make an idol of wealth. 2. likeness, figure, representation. 3. notion. 6. facsimile. (Random House unabridged dictionary)

Some times this misunderstanding arises because of various words (soul, spirit, flesh, heart, etc) which are used in the Bible at different times in respect to humanity. However, it is without doubt in this modern age that these terms are not used to indicate a dichotomy (or trichotomy) of human nature, but are variously used to reflect aspects of a human being for example, "creator" refers to an aspect of God, and "spirit" can refer to human understanding, consciousness, drive, or even a state of perfection after judgement day.

I would like to quote N. Tom Wright at this point:
"Ancient peoples held many different views about what made human beings the special creatures they are. Some, including many Jews, believed that to be complete, humans needed bodies as wel as inner selves. Others, including many influenced by the philoshophy of Plato (fourth century BC), believed that the important part of a human was the soul (Gk: psyche), which at death would be happily freed from its bodily prison. Confusingly for us, that same Greek word psyche is often used in the New Testament within a Jewish framework where it clearly means "life" or "true self", without implying a body/soul dualism that devalues the body. Human inwardness of experience and understanding can also be referred to as "spirit"." (Matthew for Everyone - Part 1 - pg 214.)

It is obvious to me (and perhaps not to anyone else mind you) that the Bible does NOT teach a dualism of flesh and "inner self" - it clearly refers to them as inseparable aspects of a human being. To quote Mr Wright further (in respect to resurrection):
"In most biblical thought, human bodies matter and are not merely disposible prisons for the soul. When ancient Israelites wrestled with the goodness and justice of YHWH, the creator, they ultimately came to insist that he must raise the dead (Isa 26:19; Dan 12:2-3) - a suggestion firmly resisted by classical pagan thought. The longed for return from exile was also spoken of in terms of YHWH raising dry bones to new life (Ez 37:1-14)... Resurrection was not just 'life after death', but a newly embodied life after "life after death"; those at present dead were either "asleep", or seen as "souls", "angels" or "spirits", awaiting new embodiment." (Matthew for Everyone - Part 1, pg 218)

While I dont really comprehend what is meant by "sleep", I am reminded of Paul saying "in the twinkling of an eye we will all be changed". Which suggests to me that once dead, and in eternity, the very next thing is "being changed" because of course, time has no meaning. While a thousand years may have passed on earth, etc etc.

So, there is no discombobulated spirit or soul floating around out in space waiting for Judgement day. That is a totally pagan thought and opposed to biblical understanding. The human soul, spirit, heart, mind, flesh, and all other aspects are an integral part of what makes a human. They are not divisible or immortal by themselves. A consciousness doesnt exist without its flesh, a thought does not occur without the electrical processes God Himself created to make it happen. Human beings ARE like God, we are one being, with many different aspects, none of which exist without the other.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Marketing Explained

The mysteries of Marketing explained at last . . .
You go to a party and you see an attractive girl across the room.You go up to her and say, “Hi, I’m great in bed, how about it?”

That’s Direct Marketing

You go to a party and you see an attractive girl across the room.You give your friend a tenner. She goes up and says: “Hi, my friendover there is great in bed, how about it?”That’s Advertising
You go to a party and you see an attractive person across the room.You give two of your friends ten bucks each to stand within earshotof them and talk about how great you are in bed and what a hottie you are.

That’s PR

You go to a party and you see an attractive girl across the room.You somehow mop up her mobile number. You call and chat her upa while and then say: “I am great in bed, how about it?”

That’s Tele-Marketing

You go to a party and you see an attractive girl across the room. You recognise her.You walk up to her, refresh her memory and get her to laugh and giggle and then suggest, “I am great in bed, how about it?”

That’s Customer Relationship Management

You go to a party and you see an attractive girl across the room. You put on your spring boots and walk around playing Mr. Busy. You put on your best smile and walk around being Mr. Congenial. You refresh all the Thesaurus links in your memory and play Mr Polished. You stand straight, you talk soft and smooth, you open the door for the ladies, you smile like a dream, you set an aura around you playing Mr. Gentleman and then you move up to the girl and say, “Hi, I am great in bed, how about it?”

That’s Hard Selling

You go to a party, you see an attractive girl across the room.SHE COMES OVER and says, “Hi, I hear you’re great in bed, how about it?”

THAT is the power of Branding

However , I think the PR explanation could use some work.
A PR approach would see you select a strategic audience, then engage them in regular communication with the view to forming a relationship.
Basically, Marketing wants to take you home tonight, but PR wants to be there in the morning.


You're on your way to a party when you realize that there could be gorgeous women in all these houses you're passing. So you climb onto the roof of one situated toward the center and shout out at the top of your lungs, "I'm fantastic in bed!"

That's SPAM!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Blog Upgrade

I've upgraded the blog and will do my best to keep it updated :)

I've uploaded this document on the nature of man by DJ Clines.
Wonderful article.