Monday, December 26, 2005

the Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe

Well I saw it.

I thought the story was well done. C S Lewis is amazing, and even in translation to movie, alot of what he tried to say was not lost. Well done to Adamson for the storyline.

I thought the effects could have been better, especially the CGI.. and I thought some of the acting was a bit forced. I can only hope it gets better...

The one thing I really did like was how the white witch's forces were all portrayed as demons and many even as "ancient gods" - baal and so forth - whom C S Lewis would have seen as demonic forces anyway. Very well done.

So, yeah... even with the bad acting and CGI - the movie was still excellent.

King Kong tonite.. I'll post on that tomorrow.

Friday, December 23, 2005


Yay.. Christmas.. no holidays for me though, but never mind, i'll live I guess.

Going to go an see Narnia in a few minutes.. I'll post a review after it...

So far.. Boring Potter and the Boring Goblet of Boring.. was.. well.. boring.

Narnia tonight.. King Kong in a day or so.

Big shout out to Lizzeh.. stay well girlfreeeeeeend!

Monday, December 05, 2005

Christmas and the death penalty

Couple of things..

Christmas.. You know, despite all the other baloney, the western world celebrates Christmas because it is the birthday of Jesus of Nazareth. Alot of people like this holiday.. you get a day off work, governments get alot of extra tax, retailers make about 40% of their years takings around this time of the year, etc. But.. alot of people just want the holiday, and the cash without mentioning Jesus.
Funny eh? Imagine "thanksgiving day" just being "turkey day" with no reason for it. Or independance day just being fireworks day. Or Queens birthday (for us in the Commonwealth) without a Queen. Doesnt make sense really.
Its a remembrance of Jesus birthday. Get over it. Not many people get a holiday named after them, and celebrated for several hundred years. Hell, we measure history by his birth year. Give him a break.

Just as an aside, if God was to appear in totally human form, what would you expect this human to be like? leave a comment. Here's my list:

1. He'd be sinless.
2. He'd do miracles.
3. He'd know and predict the future to a high accuracy.
4. He'd say the most profound and amazing things ever.
5. He would be remembered and acknowledged as a person who changed and/or influenced history more dramatically than any one else.

Death penalty.

Well.. recently (friday) a young aussie guy was put to death for importing heroin into Singapore. I am of the opinion that humans are only allowed to take the life of another IF that person has murdered someone else. See one of my previous blogs on that. Some might argue that ultimately he would be responsible for killing someone thru importing drugs... but thats just guessing. You need CERTAIN proof.

However, in saying that we are also told that we should respect the rules and laws of others. If you break someone elses rules, and its not "accidental" or "ignorance" then, well.. you're stupid and you deserve your punishment.

Should we protest this guys death? Sure, we should point out to Singapore that killing this guy was outside whats acceptable. But did he break the law and deserve to be punished by the laws of the country? Yes.